I write, edit, consult, instruct and brainstorm. I am direct and unrelenting in shared documents, and docile and diplomatic IRL. I don’t believe many “grammar rules” are hard and fast, and I want to throw up on people who get smug and pedantic about them at the expense of good communication. I will also never stop yelling about how the most valuable form of collaboration is often just shutting up and trusting others’ expertise.
Keep scrolling if you would like to learn more about how I might be able to help you with your writing and writing-adjacent needs. You can also get more info about my experience on LinkedIn, or contact me if there’s anything else you’d like to know.
I am a writer who can create prose that speaks how, where and to whom you want to speak it. I love learning about, and writing for, really specific audiences, and am pretty good at worming myself inside of other people’s brains to develop messaging that can engage them.
Specialties include: Executive communication and ghostwriting; internal communication messaging, planning and execution; content planning, development and distribution; video concepting, scripting and production management; audience research and message development.
Messaging strategy and templating: I’ll work with you on identifying who your audience is and what they need, and will craft messages designed to use across platforms to reach them.
Long-form copy: With minimal information, direction and reliance on anodyne AI tools, I can give you blog posts, white papers, annual reports, video scripts – as I have said, if it begins in a word processor, I have done it, can do it and will do it again, at least until I hit the Powerball.
Short-form copy: Have you been reading this website at all? I have no pith in me. I was always terrible at writing memorable ads. Do not ask me for anything “quippy.” I’ll rip yours to shreds, though. (See: editing section.)
I am a cruel and cantankerous editor, available for different levels of editing help on projects of all shapes and sizes. I don’t track changes (unless you ask for it); I’ll leave suggestions and comments. It’s your work, not mine.
Specialties include: Editing to meet specific style guide criteria; content outline and reordering; message simplification; tailoring narrative to fit a specific voice.
Proofreading: I will run the finest of fine-toothed combs through your document to check for misspellings, errant punctuation, run-on sentences and other egregious errors that honestly aren’t such a big deal, but could make you look careless if you don’t clean them up.
Copy editing: The medium lift for documents that are almost ready for prime time, but not quite. A step up from the granularity of proofreading, but still will catch word use errors, awkward phrasing or syntactical mistakes.
Content editing: For when you’re looking for help on building or shaping a story, pulling in supporting evidence or looking for a different angle. I can help you figure out how to spin your yarn in the most compelling way possible.
Special ops
I am available for training and consulting on a per-project basis. If you have a specific, language-related need, we can work together on how I can help you and your teams make progress in their Word documents.
Corporate education: I have taught many one-off and ongoing corporate seminars over the years for teams who are looking to elevate writing, storytelling and general keyboard prowess. I work with you ahead of time to tackle any specific issues you would like to address, and offer leave-behind materials for later use/throwing in the garbage.
Brainstorm facilitation: If you’re seeking an outsider’s perspective on a creative problem, my incessant and inaccessible pop culture references make me as outsidery as they come. I am an empathetic motivator and idea generator who can help you begin thinking of concepts that live outside of your current creative constraints.
Story finding/building: I am a masterful dot-connector, able to find common threads that can link the most disparate of ideas. If you’re looking for a new pitch angle, fresh blog content or different ways in which to engage your internal teams, I’ll consume at least three oat milk lattes and crank out dozens of options for you.
Style guide creation: I can work with you to identify your organization’s tone, voice and “rules of the road” when it comes to writing. I’ll develop and supply a fully baked style guide that all employees can reference.
Personal pan pizzas
I work with individuals as well as businesses. Need someone to read an application essay or cover letter, check out a resume, brainstorm on a pet project or edit a sternly worded note to your landlord? I can do that, too. Reach out for any of it. Or just to send me an important meme you saw.